Coloring outside the lines of creativity


A collective of founders, investors, and developers.  groundUP advises, invests in, and builds revolutionary software products and companies.

Role: Holistic Brand Identity including Logo, Digital Marketing Material, and UX/UI for Product Dashboard.

Ideas take root

Ideas take root

Focus on the sprout iconography aligned within the lettering. Sought to differentiate the "UP", utilizing weight, uppercasing, and color.

Shedding branches

Shedding branches

The plant motif for the first version was visually interesting and told a story but was ultimately too abstract. The second version was cleaner and the font resonated with the client but the plant visual was ultimately lost amidst the bold typography.

Marketing one-sheeter

Marketing one-sheeter

Creation of collateral based on key talking points from the corporate site. Following this, I was tasked to take on projects for two companies.

Liquid Social

Liquid Social

The task was twofold. Developed a template for social influencers to build Media Kits that would serve to drive traffic to the site. Then, redesign the website as a call to action to create an account.

Barstool Sports

Barstool Sports

Design of analytics dashboard for satirical sports and men's media company. Including, UI, custom component and icon creation.

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